Thursday, March 8, 2012

...Pulled Pork Perfection

When we parted back in January, I was pondering how to cook a huge pork roast.

I'm pleased to report that it was a raging success! I decided to get a jump on cooking and I put it in the oven before I went to bed. It ended up cooking for 18 hours before the thermometer read 160° F. (Yes, I know that pork is generally considered safe at 145°, but I'm always wary about pork.)

The result... 6+ lbs. of the juciest, tastiest pulled pork you've ever tasted! The kids couldn't get enough - I was sick of it by about the third serving - but it froze beautifully & now we've got pulled pork "on demand".

We will definitely be doing this dish again!

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